Franchisee Enquiry Form

Section I: Personal Fact Sheet

What motivates you to Start KUDOZ International? (Check relevant)
What is your understanding about the Pre-School Segment?
Who will be the partners in this venture?
Sr.No. Name Qualification Current Occupation Age In Year

Section II: Personal Fact Sheet

How do you propose to set up the Company? (Check relevant):
If from other sources, please specify the source and attach a note on the background of the person(s)/Institutions :
I already have property:No
1. I/We, hereby certify that I/We shall remain the applicants and if there is any change in the composition of applicants before signing of agreement or opening of franchise center, I/We hereby agree to get the new applicants as well as the new form of organization approved by Kudoz International Pre-Schools. I/We agree to the rejection of this application if the changes are not approved by Kudoz International Pre-Schools.
2. I/We certify that all the information in this application form and on any attachments thereto is true and accurately represents my/our current and continuing financial conditions. I/We authorize KUDOZ International Pre-school to verify any information from whatever source it deems appropriate. I/We understand that any misrepresentation in this declaration may result in rejection of this application.